Remember Goldilocks and the three bears? The porridge?
The first one too hot, the next too cold and the last jusssst right?
Well, I do. And the same principle can be applied to my pizza crust. The first time I made my own, it was way too soft. The second and third it was way too hard and too big. Now, on attempt number four, EUREKA! I've got it!
What ya need:
1 cup warm water (105-115 degrees F)
1 (.25 oz) package dry yeast
1 tsp honey
2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
2.5 cups flour
1/2 cup extra finely grated Parmesan cheese
2 tbsp oregano
1 minced garlic clove
1 tsp salt
What ya do:
In a large bowl, combine the yeast, water, honey and ONE tablespoon of the olive oil. Stir until combined...the mixture will look foamy in about 5 minutes; then it's ready
Add 1.5 cups of flour, oregano, salt and Parmesan into the mixture and mix (by hand!) until all is incorprated and the mixture is smooth. From there, add flour in 1/4 cup increments (you may not need it all) working it in until dough is smooth but a little bit sticky.
After completely combined, turn onto a lightly floured surface and knead until dough is smooth and still slightly sticky (about 3-5 mins)
Pil a large mixing bowl with remaining oil. Place dough in oil, turning to coat. Cover with plastic wrap and set in warm place about 1 hour. Remove and knead again, and let rise again for additional half hour.
Spread to desired thickness on cooking sheet (pizza stone/cookie sheet) and pre-bake 5 minutes.
Meanwhile, have all your toppings ready and your cheese grated. This time I did sauteed onion and peppers with tomatoes and leftover chicken sausage... GREAT combo.
Add toppings and bake until crust is golden brown and cheese is melted.
Last step, buy some good wine and invite someone hilarious over and have a fantastic dinner. You're gonna like this one, I promise! See, Tarik did!
Yay! Congratulations on perfecting the crust! I know how exciting it is when you keep trying something and you finally get the recipe perfect!
Make a whole wheat crust! That will be just right.
Wow, looks great!
Homemade pizza crust is a homey delicacy that should not even be called the same name as store-bought crust. No comparison in my book, nice work on your recipe!
Homemade pizza crust is a homey delicacy that should not even be called the same name as store-bought crust. No comparison in my book, nice work on your recipe!
Jessie! Thanks for giving me a heads up on fb about your blog. Love it :) I've already spent a half hour drooling and writing grocery lists. Can't wait to see what you come up with next!
Mmm...very yummy :DD
mmmmm...Now that looks good!
Your pizza looks amazing and I love the idea of adding cheese to the crust...just brilliant! I love making homemade pizza, and after seeing your beautiful photos, I may have to get into the kitchen to make one tonight!
How's the crust's texture??
Looks like a great crust! I've not made pizza in a while.
The crust is crispy on the outside and a little chewy in the middle. Texture is not altered by the Parmesan at all, just flavor. I had to roll it out a lot though, or else it would have been a giant dough ball! Thanks for all the nice comments :)
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