Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Women's Bean Project Brownies

In addition to a less than stellar Tuesday, I never posted the brownie pictures! See them below. They are chewy, moist and a perfect amount of chocolate. I also added in chocolate chips because I can't just accept something as is. This mix is pretty good though. I'd get it again!
Look up Women's Bean Project to learn about this good cause helping women break the cycle of poverty an unemployment. 
On a sidenote, I have a pie in the oven! I should tend to that!


Rick said...

Those look HUGE! Like bricks or something. I want one.

boisekoneska said...

Jessie -

Thanks for buying Women's Bean Project good and posting about us! We so appreciate your support. We've grown because people like you tell others about us (not because of a huge marketing budget, that's for sure).

Thanks a bunch!

Diana Lachiondo
Director of Development & Marketing
Women's Bean Project