I'm pretty much going to be a browse blogging junkie for the next week, so please bring on your best posts!
During my exploration of the normal blogs I read, I saw Le's Little Kitchen had given me blog awards. Stylish Blogger and A Blog With Substance. Thank you so much Leanne!
Praise from your peers never gets old. It leaves me feeling very encouraged, too.
On the flipside, if any of you have any suggestions or constructive criticism, go ahead and tell me! Although I must say, I had one commenter the other week tell me my food blog was unorganized and had poor pictures. That comment no longer exists! But, if you have something that would help you enjoy my blog more, please tell me!
I'd also like to thank The Mom Chef, who gave me a shout out on her site. She and I share a lot of the same taste, and her food looks wonderful. Plus she gets my humor. What more could I ask for?
Anyway, I won't be posting many recipes this week or next, so I apologize in advance. I hope you're all having a wonderful week!!
Congrats on the awards! I just recently came across your blog for the first time and I'm enjoying it already!
I'm happy you wrote this post?!?
Could be the most interesting thing that I have read ever??
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